Course curriculum

  • 1

    Class Waiver

    • Class Waiver

  • 2

    Full Practice

    • Shoulders - Bird of Paradise Live Recording

    • Post-Practice Q&A for Lord of Fishes Pose

  • 3

    Class Plan

    • Shoulders - Bird of Paradise Class Plan

  • 4


    • 1_BOP Intro

    • 2_BOP Establish Presence

    • 3_BOP Warming Series

    • 4_BOP Creative Series

    • 5_BOP Peak Pose

    • 6_BOP Yin Pose

    • 7_BOP Rejuvenating and Savasana

    • 8_BOP_Teaching Best Practices

  • 5

    Virtual Workshop

    • Bird of Paradise Workshop Pose Guide

    • 1_BOP_Workshop_Shoulder_Stretches

    • 2_BOP_Workshop_Shoulder_Strengtheners

    • 3_BOP_Workshop_Lizard_Pose

    • 4_BOP_Workshop_Side_Lunge_and_Yogi_Squat

    • 5_BOP_Workshop_Forward_Folds

    • 6_BOP_Workshop_Tortoise_Pose_Variations

    • 7_BOP_Workshop_Seated_Cradle_Variations

    • 8_BOP_Workshop_Marichyasana_A

    • 9_BOP_Workshop_Seated_BOP

    • 10_BOP_Workshop_Wall_Variations

    • 11_BOP_Workshop_Transitions_and_How_to_Enter_BOP